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Custom Fields

Custom fields allow you to add your own custom data properties almost every Vendure entity. The entities which may have custom fields defined are listed in the CustomFields interface documentation.

Some use-cases for custom fields include:

  • Storing the weight, dimensions or other product-specific data on the ProductVariant entity.
  • Storing additional product codes on the ProductVariant entity such as ISBN or GTIN.
  • Adding a downloadable flag to the Product entity to indicate whether the product is a digital download.
  • Storing an external identifier (e.g. from a payment provider) on the Customer entity.
  • Adding a longitude and latitude to the StockLocation for use in selecting the closest location to a customer.

Defining custom fields

Custom fields are specified in the VendureConfig:

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
Product: [
{ name: 'infoUrl', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'downloadable', type: 'boolean' },
{ name: 'shortName', type: 'localeString' },
User: [
{ name: 'socialLoginToken', type: 'string', unique: true },

With the example config above, the following will occur:

  1. The database schema will be altered, and a column will be added for each custom field. Note: changes to custom fields require a database migration. See the Migrations guide.
  2. The GraphQL APIs will be modified to add the custom fields to the Product and User types respectively.
  3. If you are using the AdminUiPlugin, the Admin UI detail pages will now contain form inputs to allow the custom field data to be added or edited, and the list view data tables will allow custom field columns to be added, sorted and filtered.


The values of the custom fields can then be set and queried via the GraphQL APIs:

mutation {
updateProduct(input: {
id: 1
customFields: {
infoUrl: "",
downloadable: true,
translations: [
{ languageCode: en, customFields: { shortName: "foo" } }
}) {
customFields {

The custom fields will also extend the filter and sort options available to the products list query:

mutation {
products(options: {
filter: {
infoUrl: { contains: "new" },
downloadable: { eq: true }
sort: {
infoUrl: ASC
}) {
items {
customFields {

Available custom field types

The following types are available for custom fields:

stringShort string dataurl, label
localeStringLocalized short stringslocalized url
textLong text dataextended product info, json config object
localTextLocalized long textlocalized extended product info
intIntegerproduct weight, customer loyalty points, monetary values
floatFloating point numberproduct review rating
booleanBooleanisDownloadable flag on product
datetimeA datetimedate that variant is back in stock
relationA relation to another entityAsset used as a customer avatar, related Products

To see the underlying DB data type and GraphQL type used for each, see the CustomFieldType doc.


It is possible to set up custom fields that hold references to other entities using the 'relation' type:

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
Customer: [
name: 'avatar',
type: 'relation',
entity: Asset,

In this example, we set up a many-to-one relationship from Customer to Asset, allowing us to specify an avatar image for each Customer. Relation custom fields are unique in that the input and output names are not the same - the input will expect an ID and will be named '<field name>Id' or '<field name>Ids' for list types.

mutation {
updateCustomer(input: {
id: 1
customFields: {
avatarId: 42,
}) {
customFields {
avatar {

Custom field config properties

Common properties

All custom fields share some common properties:




The name of the field. This is used as the column name in the database, and as the GraphQL field name. The name should not contain spaces and by convention should be camelCased.

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
Product: [
name: 'infoUrl',
type: 'string'




The type of data that will be stored in the field.




If set to true, then the field will be an array of the specified type. Defaults to false.

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
Product: [
name: 'infoUrls',
type: 'string',
list: true,

Setting a custom field to be a list has the following effects:

  • The GraphQL type will be an array of the specified type.
  • The Admin UI will display a list of inputs for the field.
  • For lists of primitive types (anything except relation), the database type will be set to simple-json which serializes the data into a JSON string. For lists of relation types, a separate many-to-many table will be created.




An array of localized labels for the field. These are used in the Admin UI to label the field.

import { LanguageCode } from '@vendure/core';

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
Product: [
name: 'infoUrl',
type: 'string',
label: [
{languageCode: LanguageCode.en, value: 'Info URL'},
{languageCode:, value: 'Info-URL'},
{languageCode:, value: 'URL de información'},




An array of localized descriptions for the field. These are used in the Admin UI to describe the field.

import { LanguageCode } from '@vendure/core';

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
Product: [
name: 'infoUrl',
type: 'string',
description: [
{languageCode: LanguageCode.en, value: 'A URL to more information about the product'},
{languageCode:, value: 'Eine URL zu weiteren Informationen über das Produkt'},
{languageCode:, value: 'Una URL con más información sobre el producto'},




Whether the custom field is available via the Shop API. Defaults to true.

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
Product: [
name: 'profitMargin',
type: 'int',
public: false,




Whether the custom field can be updated via the GraphQL APIs. Defaults to false. If set to true, then the field can only be updated via direct manipulation via TypeScript code in a plugin.

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
Product: [
name: 'profitMargin',
type: 'int',
readonly: true,




Whether the custom field is exposed at all via the GraphQL APIs. Defaults to false. If set to true, then the field will not be available via the GraphQL API, but can still be used in TypeScript code in a plugin. Internal fields are useful for storing data which is not intended to be exposed to the outside world, but which can be used in plugin logic.

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
OrderLine: [
name: 'referralId',
type: 'string',
internal: true,




The default value when an Entity is created with this field. If not provided, then the default value will be null. Note that if you set nullable: false, then you should also provide a defaultValue to avoid database errors when creating new entities.

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
Product: [
name: 'reviewRating',
type: 'float',
defaultValue: 0,




Whether the field is nullable in the database. If set to false, then a defaultValue should be provided.

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
Product: [
name: 'reviewRating',
type: 'float',
nullable: false,
defaultValue: 0,




Whether the value of the field should be unique. When set to true, a UNIQUE constraint is added to the column. Defaults to false.

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
Customer: [
name: 'externalId',
type: 'string',
unique: true,



(value: any) => string | LocalizedString[] | void

A custom validation function. If the value is valid, then the function should not return a value. If a string or LocalizedString array is returned, this is interpreted as an error message.

Note that string, number and date fields also have some built-in validation options such as min, max, pattern which you can read about in the following sections.

import { LanguageCode } from '@vendure/core';

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
Product: [
name: 'infoUrl',
type: 'string',
validate: (value: any) => {
if (!value.startsWith('http')) {
// If a localized error message is not required, a simple string can be returned.
// return 'The URL must start with "http"';

// If a localized error message is required, return an array of LocalizedString objects.
return [
{languageCode: LanguageCode.en, value: 'The URL must start with "http"'},
{languageCode:, value: 'Die URL muss mit "http" beginnen'},
{languageCode:, value: 'La URL debe comenzar con "http"'},

This function can even be asynchronous and may use the Injector to access providers.

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
ProductVariant: [
name: 'partCode',
type: 'string',
validate: async (value, injector) => {
const partCodeService = injector.get(PartCodeService);
const isValid = await partCodeService.validateCode(value);
if (!isValid) {
return `Part code ${value} is not valid`;

Properties for string fields

In addition to the common properties, the string custom fields have some type-specific properties:




A regex pattern which the field value must match. If the value does not match the pattern, then the validation will fail.

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
ProductVariant: [
name: 'gtin',
type: 'string',
pattern: '^\d{8}(?:\d{4,6})?$',



{ value: string; label?: LocalizedString[]; }[]

An array of pre-defined options for the field. This is useful for fields which should only have a limited set of values. The value property is the value which will be stored in the database, and the label property is an optional array of localized strings which will be displayed in the admin UI.

import { LanguageCode } from '@vendure/core';

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
ProductVariant: [
name: 'condition',
type: 'string',
options: [
{value: 'new', label: [{languageCode: LanguageCode.en, value: 'New'}]},
{value: 'used', label: [{languageCode: LanguageCode.en, value: 'Used'}]},

Attempting to set the value of the field to a value which is not in the options array will cause the validation to fail.




The max length of the varchar created in the database. Defaults to 255. Maximum is 65,535.

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
ProductVariant: [
name: 'partCode',
type: 'string',
length: 20,

Properties for localeString fields

In addition to the common properties, the localeString custom fields have some type-specific properties:




Same as the pattern property for string fields.




Same as the length property for string fields.

Properties for int & float fields

In addition to the common properties, the int & float custom fields have some type-specific properties:




The minimum permitted value. If the value is less than this, then the validation will fail.

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
ProductVariant: [
name: 'reviewRating',
type: 'int',
min: 0,




The maximum permitted value. If the value is greater than this, then the validation will fail.

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
ProductVariant: [
name: 'reviewRating',
type: 'int',
max: 5,




The step value. This is used in the Admin UI to determine the increment/decrement value of the input field.

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
ProductVariant: [
name: 'reviewRating',
type: 'int',
step: 0.5,

Properties for datetime fields

In addition to the common properties, the datetime custom fields have some type-specific properties. The min, max & step properties for datetime fields are intended to be used as described in the MDN datetime-local docs




The earliest permitted date. If the value is earlier than this, then the validation will fail.

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
ProductVariant: [
name: 'releaseDate',
type: 'datetime',
min: '2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',




The latest permitted date. If the value is later than this, then the validation will fail.

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
ProductVariant: [
name: 'releaseDate',
type: 'datetime',
max: '2019-12-31T23:59:59.999Z',




The step value. See the MDN datetime-local docs to understand how this is used.

Properties for relation fields

In addition to the common properties, the relation custom fields have some type-specific properties:




The entity which this custom field is referencing. This can be one of the built-in entities, or a custom entity. If the entity is a custom entity, it must extend the VendureEntity class.

import { Product } from '\@vendure/core';

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
Product: [
name: 'relatedProducts',
list: true,
type: 'relation',
entity: Product,




Whether to eagerly load the relation. Defaults to false. Note that eager loading has performance implications, so should only be used when necessary.

import { Product } from '\@vendure/core';

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
Product: [
name: 'relatedProducts',
list: true,
type: 'relation',
entity: Product,
eager: true,




The name of the GraphQL type that corresponds to the entity. Can be omitted if the GraphQL type name is the same as the entity name, which is the case for all of the built-in entities.

import { CmsArticle } from './entities/cms-article.entity';

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
Product: [
name: 'blogPosts',
list: true,
type: 'relation',
entity: CmsArticle,
graphQLType: 'BlogPost',

In the above example, the CmsArticle entity is being used as a related entity. However, the GraphQL type name is BlogPost, so we must specify this in the graphQLType property, otherwise Vendure will try to extend the GraphQL schema with reference to a non-existent "CmsArticle" type.



string | ((object: VendureEntity) => any);

Allows you to specify the inverse side of the relation. Let's say you are adding a relation from Product to a custom entity which refers back to the product. You can specify this inverse relation like so:

import { Product } from '\@vendure/core';
import { ProductReview } from './entities/product-review.entity';

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
Product: [
name: 'reviews',
list: true,
type: 'relation',
entity: ProductReview,
inverseSide: (review: ProductReview) => review.product,

This then allows you to query the ProductReview entity and include the product relation:

const { productReviews } = await this.connection.getRepository(ProductReview).findOne({
where: { id: 1 },
relations: ['product'],

Custom Field UI

In the Admin UI, an appropriate default form input component is used for each custom field type. The Admin UI comes with a set of ready-made form input components, but it is also possible to create custom form input components. The ready-made components are:

  • text-form-input: A single-line text input
  • password-form-input: A single-line password input
  • select-form-input: A select input
  • textarea-form-input: A multi-line textarea input
  • rich-text-form-input: A rich text editor input that saves the content as HTML
  • json-editor-form-input: A simple JSON editor input
  • html-editor-form-input: A simple HTML text editor input
  • number-form-input: A number input
  • currency-form-input: A number input with currency formatting
  • boolean-form-input: A checkbox input
  • date-form-input: A date input
  • relation-form-input: A generic entity relation input which allows an ID to be manually specified
  • customer-group-form-input: A select input for selecting a CustomerGroup
  • facet-value-form-input: A select input for selecting a FacetValue
  • product-selector-form-input: A select input for selecting a Product from an autocomplete list
  • product-multi-form-input: A modal dialog for selecting multiple Products or ProductVariants

Default form inputs

This table shows the default form input component used for each custom field type:

TypeForm input component
string, localeStringtext-form-input or, if options are defined, select-form-input
text, localeTexttextarea-form-input
int, floatnumber-form-input
relationDepends on related entity, defaults to relation-form-input if no specific component exists

UI for relation type

The Admin UI app has built-in selection components for "relation" custom fields that reference certain common entity types, such as Asset, Product, ProductVariant and Customer. If you are relating to an entity not covered by the built-in selection components, you will see a generic relation component which allows you to manually enter the ID of the entity you wish to select.

If the generic selector is not suitable, or is you wish to replace one of the built-in selector components, you can create a UI extension that defines a custom field control for that custom field. You can read more about this in the custom form input guide

Specifying the input component

The defaults listed above can be overridden by using the ui property of the custom field config object. For example, if we want a number to be displayed as a currency input:

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
ProductVariant: [
name: 'rrp',
type: 'int',
ui: { component: 'currency-form-input' },

Here's an example config demonstrating several ways to customize the UI controls for custom fields:

import { LanguageCode, VendureConfig } from '@vendure/core';

const config: VendureConfig = {
// ...
customFields: {
Product: [
// Rich text editor
{name: 'additionalInfo', type: 'text', ui: {component: 'rich-text-form-input'}},
// JSON editor
{name: 'specs', type: 'text', ui: {component: 'json-editor-form-input'}},
// Numeric with suffix
name: 'weight',
type: 'int',
ui: {component: 'number-form-input', suffix: 'g'},
// Currency input
name: 'RRP',
type: 'int',
ui: {component: 'currency-form-input'},
// Select with options
name: 'pageType',
type: 'string',
ui: {
component: 'select-form-input',
options: [
{value: 'static', label: [{languageCode: LanguageCode.en, value: 'Static'}]},
{value: 'dynamic', label: [{languageCode: LanguageCode.en, value: 'Dynamic'}]},
// Text with prefix
name: 'link',
type: 'string',
ui: {
component: 'text-form-input',
prefix: 'https://',

and the resulting UI:



The various configuration options for each of the built-in form input (e.g. suffix) is documented in the DefaultFormConfigHash object.

Custom form input components

If none of the built-in form input components are suitable, you can create your own. This is a more advanced topic which is covered in detail in the Custom Form Input Components guide.

Tabbed custom fields

With a large, complex project, it's common for lots of custom fields to be required. This can get visually noisy in the UI, so Vendure supports tabbed custom fields. Just specify the tab name in the ui object, and those fields with the same tab name will be grouped in the UI! The tab name can also be a translation token if you need to support multiple languages.


Tabs will only be displayed if there is more than one tab name used in the custom fields. A lack of a tab property is counted as a tab (the "general" tab).

const config = {
// ...
customFields: {
Product: [
{ name: 'additionalInfo', type: 'text', ui: {component: 'rich-text-form-input'} },
{ name: 'specs', type: 'text', ui: {component: 'json-editor-form-input'} },
{ name: 'width', type: 'int', ui: {tab: 'Shipping'} },
{ name: 'height', type: 'int', ui: {tab: 'Shipping'} },
{ name: 'depth', type: 'int', ui: {tab: 'Shipping'} },
{ name: 'weight', type: 'int', ui: {tab: 'Shipping'} },

TypeScript Typings

Because custom fields are generated at run-time, TypeScript has no way of knowing about them based on your VendureConfig. Consider the example above - let's say we have a plugin which needs to access the custom field values on a Product entity.

Attempting to access the custom field will result in a TS compiler error:

import { RequestContext, TransactionalConnection, ID, Product } from '@vendure/core';

export class MyService {
constructor(private connection: TransactionalConnection) {

async getInfoUrl(ctx: RequestContext, productId: ID) {
const product = await this.connection
.getRepository(ctx, Product)

return product.customFields.infoUrl;
} // ^ TS2339: Property 'infoUrl'
} // does not exist on type 'CustomProductFields'.

The "easy" way to solve this is to assert the customFields object as any:

return (product.customFields as any).infoUrl;

However, this sacrifices type safety. To make our custom fields type-safe we can take advantage of a couple of more advanced TypeScript features - declaration merging and ambient modules. This allows us to extend the built-in CustomProductFields interface to add our custom fields to it:

// types.ts

// Note: we are using deep a import here, rather than importing from `@vendure/core` due to
// a possible bug in TypeScript ( which
// causes issues when multiple plugins extend the same custom fields interface.
import { CustomProductFields } from '@vendure/core/dist/entity/custom-entity-fields';

declare module '@vendure/core/dist/entity/custom-entity-fields' {
interface CustomProductFields {
infoUrl: string;
downloadable: boolean;
shortName: string;

When this file is then imported into our service file (either directly or indirectly), TypeScript will know about our custom fields, and we do not need to do any type assertions.

return product.customFields.infoUrl;
// no error, plus TS autocomplete works.

Note that for the typings to work correctly, order of imports matters.

One way to ensure that your custom field typings always get imported first is to include them as the first item in the tsconfig "include" array.


For a working example of this setup, see the real-world-vendure repo