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Vendure emits events which can be subscribed to by plugins. These events are published by the EventBus and likewise the EventBus is used to subscribe to events.

An event exists for virtually all significant actions which occur in the system, such as:

  • When entities (e.g. Product, Order, Customer) are created, updated or deleted
  • When a user registers an account
  • When a user logs in or out
  • When the state of an Order, Payment, Fulfillment or Refund changes

A full list of the available events follows.

Event types

Subscribing to events

To subscribe to an event, use the EventBus's .ofType() method. It is typical to set up subscriptions in the onModuleInit() or onApplicationBootstrap() lifecycle hooks of a plugin or service (see NestJS Lifecycle events.

Here's an example where we subscribe to the ProductEvent and use it to trigger a rebuild of a static storefront:

import { Injectable, OnModuleInit } from '@nestjs/common';
import { EventBus, ProductEvent, PluginCommonModule, VendurePlugin } from '@vendure/core';

import { StorefrontBuildService } from './services/storefront-build.service';

imports: [PluginCommonModule],
export class StorefrontBuildPlugin implements OnModuleInit {
private eventBus: EventBus,
private storefrontBuildService: StorefrontBuildService) {}

onModuleInit() {
.subscribe(event => {

The EventBus.ofType() and related EventBus.filter() methods return an RxJS Observable. This means that you can use any of the RxJS operators to transform the stream of events.

For example, to debounce the stream of events, you could do this:

import { debounceTime } from 'rxjs/operators';

// ...

.subscribe(event => {

Subscribing to multiple event types

Using the .ofType() method allows us to subscribe to a single event type. If we want to subscribe to multiple event types, we can use the .filter() method instead:

import { Injectable, OnModuleInit } from '@nestjs/common';
import { EventBus, PluginCommonModule, VendurePlugin, ProductEvent, ProductVariantEvent } from '@vendure/core';

imports: [PluginCommonModule],
export class MyPluginPlugin implements OnModuleInit {
constructor(private eventBus: EventBus) {}

onModuleInit() {
.filter(event =>
event instanceof ProductEvent || event instanceof ProductVariantEvent)
.subscribe(event => {
// the event will be a ProductEvent or ProductVariantEvent

Publishing events

You can publish events using the EventBus.publish() method. This is useful if you want to trigger an event from within a plugin or service.

For example, to publish a ProductEvent:

import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { EventBus, ProductEvent, RequestContext, Product } from '@vendure/core';

export class MyPluginService {
constructor(private eventBus: EventBus) {}

async doSomethingWithProduct(ctx: RequestContext, product: Product) {
// ... do something
this.eventBus.publish(new ProductEvent(ctx, product, 'updated'));

Creating custom events

You can create your own custom events by extending the VendureEvent class. For example, to create a custom event which is triggered when a customer submits a review, you could do this:

import { ID, RequestContext, VendureEvent } from '@vendure/core';
import { ProductReviewInput } from '../types';

* @description
* This event is fired whenever a ProductReview is submitted.
export class ReviewSubmittedEvent extends VendureEvent {
public ctx: RequestContext,
public input: ProductReviewInput,
) {

The event would then be published from your plugin's ProductReviewService:

import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { EventBus, ProductReviewService, RequestContext } from '@vendure/core';

import { ReviewSubmittedEvent } from '../events/review-submitted.event';
import { ProductReviewInput } from '../types';

export class ProductReviewService {
constructor(private eventBus: EventBus, private productReviewService: ProductReviewService) {}

async submitReview(ctx: RequestContext, input: ProductReviewInput) {
this.eventBus.publish(new ReviewSubmittedEvent(ctx, input));
// handle creation of the new review
// ...

Entity events

There is a special event class VendureEntityEvent for events relating to the creation, update or deletion of entities. Let's say you have a custom entity (see defining a database entity) BlogPost and you want to trigger an event whenever a new BlogPost is created, updated or deleted:

import { ID, RequestContext, VendureEntityEvent } from '@vendure/core';
import { BlogPost } from '../entities/blog-post.entity';
import { CreateBlogPostInput, UpdateBlogPostInput } from '../types';

type BlogPostInputTypes = CreateBlogPostInput | UpdateBlogPostInput | ID | ID[];

* This event is fired whenever a BlogPost is added, updated
* or deleted.
export class BlogPostEvent extends VendureEntityEvent<BlogPost[], BlogPostInputTypes> {
ctx: RequestContext,
entity: BlogPost,
type: 'created' | 'updated' | 'deleted',
input?: BlogPostInputTypes,
) {
super(entity, type, ctx, input);

Using this event, you can subscribe to all BlogPost events, and for instance filter for only the created events:

import { Injectable, OnModuleInit } from '@nestjs/common';
import { EventBus, PluginCommonModule, VendurePlugin } from '@vendure/core';
import { filter } from 'rxjs/operators';

import { BlogPostEvent } from './events/blog-post-event';

imports: [PluginCommonModule],
// ...
export class BlogPlugin implements OnModuleInit {
constructor(private eventBus: EventBus) {}

onModuleInit() {
filter(event => event.type === 'created'),
.subscribe(event => {
const blogPost = event.entity;
// do something with the newly created BlogPost