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Stand-alone CLI Scripts

It is possible to create stand-alone scripts that can be run from the command-line by using the bootstrapWorker function. This can be useful for a variety of use-cases such as running cron jobs or importing data.

Minimal example

Here's a minimal example of a script which will bootstrap the Vendure Worker and then log the number of products in the database:

import { bootstrapWorker, Logger, ProductService, RequestContextService } from '@vendure/core';

import { config } from './vendure-config';

if (require.main === module) {
.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch(err => {

async function getProductCount() {
// This will bootstrap an instance of the Vendure Worker, providing
// us access to all of the services defined in the Vendure core.
// (but without the unnecessary overhead of the API layer).
const { app } = await bootstrapWorker(config);

// Using `app.get()` we can grab an instance of _any_ provider defined in the
// Vendure core as well as by our plugins.
const productService = app.get(ProductService);

// For most service methods, we'll need to pass a RequestContext object.
// We can use the RequestContextService to create one.
const ctx = await app.get(RequestContextService).create({
apiType: 'admin',

// We use the `findAll()` method to get the total count. Since we aren't
// interested in the actual product objects, we can set the `take` option to 0.
const { totalItems } = await productService.findAll(ctx, {take: 0});
`There are ${totalItems} products`,

This script can then be run from the command-line:

npx ts-node src/get-product-count.ts

# or

yarn ts-node src/get-product-count.ts

resulting in the following output:

info 01/08/23, 11:50 - [Vendure Worker] Bootstrapping Vendure Worker (pid: 4428)...
info 01/08/23, 11:50 - [Vendure Worker] Vendure Worker is ready
info 01/08/23, 11:50 - [Vendure Worker]
There are 56 products in the database

The app object

The app object returned by the bootstrapWorker() function is an instance of the NestJS Application Context. It has full access to the NestJS dependency injection container, which means that you can use the app.get() method to retrieve any of the services defined in the Vendure core or by any plugins.

import { bootstrapWorker, CustomerService } from '@vendure/core';
import { config } from './vendure-config';

// ...

async function importCustomerData() {
const { app } = await bootstrapWorker(config);

const customerService = app.get(CustomerService);

Creating a RequestContext

Almost all the methods exposed by Vendure's core services take a RequestContext object as the first argument. Usually, this object is created in the API Layer by the @Ctx() decorator, and contains information related to the current API request.

When running a stand-alone script, we aren't making any API requests, so we need to create a RequestContext object manually. This can be done using the RequestContextService:

// ...
import { RequestContextService } from '@vendure/core';

async function getProductCount() {
const { app } = await bootstrapWorker(config);
const productService = app.get(ProductService);

const ctx = await app.get(RequestContextService).create({
apiType: 'admin',

const { totalItems } = await productService.findAll(ctx, {take: 0});