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The MoneyStrategy defines how monetary values are stored and manipulated. The MoneyStrategy is defined in EntityOptions:


const config: VendureConfig = {
entityOptions: {
moneyStrategy: new MyCustomMoneyStrategy(),


The DefaultMoneyStrategy uses an int field in the database, which puts an effective limit of ~21.4 million on any stored value. For certain use cases (e.g. business sales with very high amounts, or currencies with very large denominations), this may cause issues. In this case, you can use the

BigIntMoneyStrategy which will use the `bigint` type to store monetary values, giving an effective upper limit of over 9 quadrillion.

Precision & rounding

Both the DefaultMoneyStrategy and BigIntMoneyStrategy store monetary values as integers, representing the price in the minor units of the currency (i.e. cents in USD or pennies in GBP).

In certain use-cases, it may be required that fractions of a cent or penny be supported. In this case, the solution would be to define a custom MoneyStrategy which uses a non-integer data type for storing the value in the database, and defines a round() implementation which allows decimal places to be kept.


This is configured via the entityOptions.moneyStrategy property of your VendureConfig.

interface MoneyStrategy extends InjectableStrategy {
readonly moneyColumnOptions: ColumnOptions;
round(value: number, quantity?: number): number;



Defines the TypeORM column used to store monetary values.


(value: number, quantity?: number) => number

Defines the logic used to round monetary values. For instance, the default behavior in the DefaultMoneyStrategy is to round the value, then multiply.

return Math.round(value) * quantity;

However, it may be desirable to instead round only after the unit amount has been multiplied. In this case you can define a custom strategy with logic like this:

return Math.round(value * quantity);